
Ways to Give


Simply click the donate button below to give securely, whether on your desktop or mobile device.

Text Giving

Text the amount you would like to give to Lakeside’s secure and designated number – 866.950.7177

If you are a first time text giver, you will receive a text back to visit a secure website. Select this registration link to enter your card information.

Your donation will process and a confirmation text will be sent to you.

Tips for Text Giving:

  • If you text only monetary value, the funds will go to Tithe (EX: Give 50).
  • If you text an amount and a fund name, the funds will go to that fund (EX: Give 50, missions).
  • To set up a recurring gift, text “RECURRING” to schedule your gift to happen weekly or monthly. Please click the link and follow the prompts to complete the setup.
  • To cancel a text gift, text “UNDO”. You can cancel a gift up to 15 minutes after your initial gift message.
  • If you would like to make any changes to your account you can click on the link in your donation receipt and log into your account. From there you can view your giving history, edit your payment method, and set up a different purpose or donation schedule.
  • Here is a list of Funds & their “CODE” you can give to:
    • Tithes & Offering – “GENERAL”
    • Next (Future) Project – “FUTURE” (formerly known as Above & Beyond)
    • Missions – “MISSIONS”
    • Camp Scholarships – “CAMPS”

In Person

You are always welcome to continue giving in person. You can give during the offering time of the worship service, in the giving boxes located in the Welcome Center hall or by dropping it by or mailing it to the office.

Mail tithes to:

Lakeside Baptist Church

1291 Old Kaufman Rd.

Canton, Texas 75103